Operation Prom National Network


Operation Prom National Network, Inc., is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps students attend their prom by providing free dresses and tuxedos. Each school year, we collect and distribute prom formal wear as well as accessory items such as shoes, undergarments, jewelry, and bowties. Our goal is to ensure that each student we serve receives the perfect prom attire allowing them to feel confident and empowered.


Operation Prom National Network, Inc., is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps students attend their prom by providing free dresses and tuxedos. Each school year, we collect and distribute prom formal wear and accessory items such as shoes, undergarments, jewelry, and bowties. Our goal is to ensure that each student we serve receives the perfect prom attire allowing them to feel confident and empowered.

Year in Review

In 2024, the Operation Prom National Network, Inc. (OPNN) provided free prom dresses and tuxedos to students in 9 states across the U.S. As the average cost of prom continues to rise, so does the demand for OPNN’s resources. Requests from students and schools increased by 35% across the country compared to 2023, as did requests from community-based organizations and government agencies.

This year, OPNN marked its 20th anniversary of providing free prom formal wear to students. By offering the perfect prom attire, OPNN helps boost teens’ selfesteem, allowing them to celebrate their educational accomplishments with their peers without the financial burden.



